
Reasons to become a takeover target

Ciba's Acquisition of Allied Colloids


This is a case study of a competitive merger, in which the Swiss chemicals company, Ciba Specialty Chemicals, played the role of a White Knight in a bidding war for a British chemical company, Allied Colloids. The case study is intended to highlight a number of interesting and important features of hostile and competitive M&As and related issues.

Read the following articles, news releases (there are some overlaps). They are hyperlinked to original sources but have been copied below to save you time searching for each document online. You do need to visit the websites of the companies involved and other online sources to do a comprehensive and a decent analysis of this case. If any of the companies named in the document is no longer exist because it has merged with others or been taken over by others, you still can get information to answer the questions.

Answer the following questions:

1. What caused Allied Colloids to become a takeover target?

2. How did Ciba value the gains from the merger or acquisition?

3. What effect did the acquisition have on Ciba's balance sheet and performance?

4. Who won? Who lost? Be specific and provide detailed analysis.

5. Post-script: Search online and provide a brief post script of the case since the acquisition. Your answers to questions 1-4 must be independent of your answer to question 5. Your answer to this question may contradict your answers to 1-4 above.

Prepare an executive report when you answer the above questions. State each question in italics (blue color) followed by your answer to the questions. Be detailed and if you are using any table, graphs, charts, and exhibits in the appendix, make sure make proper references to the proper appendix. Do not simply state see appendix. Be specific. And, do not state a brief phrase or statement and then state see appendix. Your answers must be concise but self-explanatory and stand alone. If one needs details analysis of your discussion and calculations, then one can be referred to the appropriate appendix.

REQUIRED: You are needed to limit your report to 5 pages, single spaced, excluding appendices. It must be typed professionally, using Times New Roman, 12" with 1" margin on all sides.

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Business Management: Reasons to become a takeover target
Reference No:- TGS01238059

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