
Reasons for implementing the performance management system

1. Consider the areas typically covered by rater training programs ,Use the STATEMENTS below to identify which of these content areas address intentional errors and which address unintentional errors. Please STATE WHICH is Un error, and which is IN erron .

- under each statement describe the rationale that guided each of your responses. and whether it is Intentional errors or Unintentional errors content Area the statements are:

1-Reasons for implementing the performance management system. This includes an overview of the entire system, its purpose, and benefits for all employees.

2-How to identify and rank job activities. This includes information on how to conduct a job analysis and understand the most important accountabilities and competencies.  

3-How to observe, record, and measure performance. This may include observational skills such as how to observe the behaviors that really matter and not be distracted by behaviors unrelated to the performance dimensions being measured. It also includes skills needed to fill out the appraisal form.

4-Information on the appraisal form and system mechanics. This includes a detailed description of the content of the appraisal form and what each section is intended to measure. It also includes information on a number of meetings and the expectations regarding each participant.

5-How to minimize rating errors. This includes steps that can be taken to minimize unintentional errors due to the cognitive demands associated with the observation and evaluation of performance

6-How to conduct an appraisal interview. This includes listening skills, communication skills, and how to provide feedback during the appraisal interview. It also includes skills on how to help the employee create a developmental plan.

7-How to train, counsel, and coach. This includes skills that the supervisor needs to help employees improve their performance on an ongoing basis.

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Operation Management: Reasons for implementing the performance management system
Reference No:- TGS02903763

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