
Reason for dynamic growth in asian-african


Understanding religious belief helps us to see the reason for dynamic growth in Asian, African, and European cultures. Select either three of the religions that have been covered (Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Shinto), or three religions within the regions studied thus far, for comparison. For instance,Judaism or Viking mythology might not appear in the module itself, but including either in the paper is encouraged. In a two-page paper, draw parallels andcontrasts among these religions according to the theme of your choice: ritual, social values, authority, or economic influe   nce.  You will need to summarize eachreligion's relationship with your chosen theme to draw conclusions about the relative comparisons at the end of your paper.

You may consider deities, prayer, sacrifice, ritual, administrative structure, or  influence as a way to focus your comparison of these religions. Ultimately, what dothese religions tell us about the historical culture in which they were followed?

Your paper must be a two- to three-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Romanfont, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in Chicago/Turabian format.

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Other Subject: Reason for dynamic growth in asian-african
Reference No:- TGS02032446

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