1. Convert:
(a) 153.53 from decimal to octal.
(b) 2B.C4 from hexadecimal to decimal.
(c) 2AB from hexadecimal to binary.
(d) 545 from octal to hexadecimal.
(e) 127.54 from octal to decimal.
2. What are Universal gates? Realize different Logic gates using Universal gates only.
3. Describe Full Adder. Provide design of a Full Adder. Realize a full Adder using NAND gates only.
4. a. Simplify: F = AB+A(B+C)+B(B+C).
5. Describe in detail classification and characteristics of memories.
6. How can you realize edge triggered JK flip flop from an SR flip flop? Provide its truth table and describe how race around problem is removed in it?