
Realize the circuit using three d flip-flops using the

An older model Thunderbird car has three left (LA, LB, LC) and three right (RA, RB, RC) tail lights which flash in unique patterns to indicate left and right turns.


Design a Moore sequential circuit to control these lights. The circuit has three inputs LEFT, RIGHT, and HAZ. LEFT and RIGHT come from the driver's turn signal switch and cannot be 1 at the same time. As indicated above, when LEFT = 1 the lights flash in a pattern LA on; LA and LB on; LA, LB, and LC on; all off; and then the sequence repeats. When RIGHT = 1, a similar sequence appears on lights RA, RB, and RC, as indicated on the right side of the picture. If a switch from LEFT to RIGHT (or vice versa) occurs in the middle of a flashing sequence, the circuit should immediately go to the IDLE (lights off) state and then start the new sequence. HAZ comes from the hazard switch, and when HAZ = 1, all six lights flash on and off in unison. HAZ takes precedence if LEFT or RIGHT is also on. Assume that a clock signal is available with a frequency equal to the desired flashing rate.

(a) Draw the state graph (eight states).

(b) Realize the circuit using six D flip-flops, and make a one-hot state assignment such that each flip-flop output drives one of the six lights directly. (You may use LogicAid.)

(c) Realize the circuit using three D flip-flops, using the guidelines from Section 1.7 to determine a suitable encoded state assignment. Note the tradeoff between more flip-flops and more gates in (b) and (c).

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Electrical Engineering: Realize the circuit using three d flip-flops using the
Reference No:- TGS02164775

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