
Realistically stick to this budget


1. Can I get a one page paper for below information.

Essay questions are worth ten points each. Full point value will be given only to those who thoroughly and thoughtfully answer the questions essay-style. Don't use lists or bullet points! You will be judged on the completeness of your answer, and your ability to articulate it in your own words. These questions should be answered in no less than one page each, double-spaced, 12" fonts. Certainly they may be longer if you wish.

2. Answer the four questions (a, b, c, d). I'm simply interested in how you would answer these questions. Do not copy the questions on your essays. These are opinion essays so no APA is required.

A. Are there any expenditure you can cut back on in order to save money?

B. Do you think you can realistically stick to this budget? Why or Why not.

C. Suppose your car breaks down. It will cost $1500 to fix it. How will this affect your budget?

D. List some major items that you would like to purchase two years, five years, and ten years from now. What can you do to make sure these goals are met?

I want to purchase a house and a new car in the next 2-5 years.

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Financial Management: Realistically stick to this budget
Reference No:- TGS01833490

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