Realistic ways to reduce poverty in the usa or worldwide

Watch short videos on poverty in class:

a. Poverty in America Land of the Free, Home of the Broke CBS News
b. PBS News Poverty Rates Surge in American Suburbs:
c. Car Sleepers US Middle Class Crises video:; Poverty in America 60 minutes:
e. *60 Minutes Unemployment Collapse: Hard Times Generation:

Essay: Poverty (2-3 pages in MLA format).


a. Realistic ways to reduce poverty in the USA (or worldwide).
b. What poverty means to you personally.
c. Why individuals are responsible (or not) for his or her own financial condition.
d. Explain the spiritual components of poverty, if any?
e. Comparison of global perspectives on poverty: Is one country's poor another country's rich? Explain.

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Other Subject: Realistic ways to reduce poverty in the usa or worldwide
Reference No:- TGS01177639

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