
Real world tasks that we as cybersecurity professionals

Writing Assignment:

Instructions: Write a 7-10 page paper (7-10 pages are the content, not including the title page and works cited) on the topic given. The paper should contain at minimum 5 valid sources, cited in 6th edition APA guidelines. The paper is expected to display graduate level writing, including proper spelling and sentence structure. Please set the line spacing to double-spaced, use an Arial or Times New Roman font of size 12. Submit the assignment as a document file to this assignment posting. Please use either .doc, .docx format. Submissions will be parsed through safe assign for plagiarism. To submit your assignment, click on this assignment in Blackboard and it will show a submit button.

This assignment is based on real world tasks that we as cybersecurity professionals WILL be tasked with.

Assignment Topic:

Please select either your current organization, or UMES (university of Maryland eastern shore) and pick 5 IT Security concerns and write an effective security policy for each of the 5. Policies should be written so that they all follow a similar format. In addition to writing the policies, please write a synopsis as to why you chose those specific policies, and the reasoning behind the policy details you selected by using facts, statistics, and convincing arguments (good area for citation usage). For this section, your target audience would be the C-level employees for your organization who would ultimately approve these policies, so please be convincing.

Examples of policies would be (just examples, please select any 5 you want, but identify a security need and be convincing).

- Password Policy

- User Access Policy

- Data classification policy

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Dissertation: Real world tasks that we as cybersecurity professionals
Reference No:- TGS02223575

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