
Real communication-an introduction


This assignment requires that you write a two-page paper. You will choose a concept or theory from any one of the chapters we've previously covered. For example, an acceptable paper would take a scene from the TV show Modern Family and use the concept of high and low contextbetween cultures to analyze the scene. You may analyze any artifacts within pop culture, e.g., movies, TV shows, books, songs, etc.

Your paper should be written in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, and with one-inch margins. This document, which you are reading, satisfies the formatting requirements. Use the header section inthe document to write your name and the title. My name and the title of this documentare in the header section.

Provide information of the pop culture artifact on a separate sheet of paper. Include the author(s), year, name of the work, and a description of the artifact, e.g., this is a movie about two people who fall on love but experience difficulty due to cultural differences. Feel free to email me with your questions.

This paper also has to have 3 sources, one from the movie, one from the book "Real communication an introduction" and one from California State University Fullerton Library's database, it should be an academic one.

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Reference No:- TGS01843517

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