
Reading the wieland or the masque of the red death


For the argumentative multimedia essay assignment, you have three choices:

Note: For each option, your essay topic should be related to one of the readings from class: Wieland or The Masque of the Red Death.

1) Expand on one of your short answer responses from the Midterm in a 4 to 7 page argumentative essay. This essay should be in MLA format (size 12 font, double-spaced, 1inch margins) with a Works Cited Page. Your essay should include 2 sources outside of the primary text.

2) Create a video essay (similar to the one we watched re: Spiderman) based on a topic of your choosing, related to any of the readings in class. For this option, you may also expand on a topic of choice from the midterm. You should first create a thesis statement or objective (what do you hope an audience gets from your essay?) and then include evidence. Your video essay should include 2 sources outside of the primary text.

a) Requirements:

i) Your video should be between 10 to 15 minutes long (this is about 4 to 7 pages of an essay read out loud)

ii) You must include an MLA Works Cited page with your submission

3) Host a "podcast" episode similar to Better Read Than Dead based on a reading from the course.

For your episode, you should choose a general theme (gender, class, mental illness, etc.) and talk about your theme in the context of the reading. In this discussion, you should reference 2 sources outside of the primary text.

a) Requirements:

i) Your episode should be no longer than 25 minutes long.

ii) You must include an MLA Works Cited page with your submission

iii) You must talk in depth about the theme in the context of the reading - this option is best for people who read the text thoroughly, and are interested in getting into the weeds about a particular issue / topic within the text itself. It can be helpful to talk about history, author bio, etc. for this option.

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English: Reading the wieland or the masque of the red death
Reference No:- TGS03197274

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