
Reading the entirety of the law code of hammurabi


Essay Option

Read the secondary source entitled "Crime and Punishment in Ancient Mesopotamia," (see Supplemental Readings in Modules) then read the entirety of the Law Code of Hammurabi here: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/ancient/hamframe.asp 

Write an essay that answers the following questions:

• From reading the entirety of the Law Code of Hammurabi, what would you say were the three main issues that the code was trying to address in Old Babylonian society? Please make sure to provide specific examples to support your argument.


In this essay, students will be required to address an essay prompt that asks them several historical questions. Students will need to review several sources for each prompt (see below).

Your thesis statement (in your introduction) should be your clear and specific answer to the essay prompt you choose.

• Essay must be 3 to 4 pages in length. Make sure it is at least 3 pages, not 2%.

o 12 Pt Font -Times New Roman (or similar font) - Double Spaced Essay should be well organized, with:

o Title (Not just the name of the topic)

o A Short Introduction (With a thesis statement - your answer to the question)

o Supporting Paragraphs (With topic sentences and examples)

o A Short Conclusion (Restates your thesis and wraps up your ideas)

¦ See the Style Sheet for History Essays for more on formatting and organization.

Formatting Style:

o To legitimize research, all essays must be formatted correctly, and failure to do so will result in a deduction of points. Students should use

MLA, but history majors should use Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago Style or Turabian Style). Useful samples from the Chicago Style and

MLA can be found at the following websites:

MLA Style: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/

Chicago Style: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html

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Business Law and Ethics: Reading the entirety of the law code of hammurabi
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