
Reading the course objectives that you would need two or

Question: Reading the course objectives that you would need two or three of them to be successful in management. For instinct I'm in the Recruiting world for the United States Army. The station commander is like the production manager. His job is to find out what market he needs to target by making and using a marketing plan, what areas we need to target what kind of market there is like looking for high school seniors, high school graduates and what type of businesses we can compare with the Army and the benefits and pay we offer. If the Army recruiters don't make a plan, then what areas do they know where to go and find the better market at.

People look and stroll the internet ever day to find what they are looking for to benefit their needs. People go to our website goarmy.com and get info about different jobs the army has and can also look at that website and get info about what the Army join can relate to in the civilian world if they join the Army and get out (goarmy.com 2018)

The product I would love to see get improved on is the CD player. Going up I had a CD Walkman and could play any CD and listen to music. Now the CD Walkman is about obsolete, but they still have them in automobiles, stereos and can play on any DVD players even computers have CD roms to play those old CDs. Would love to see the CD Walkman come back from the dead.

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Marketing Management: Reading the course objectives that you would need two or
Reference No:- TGS02803593

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