Protein synthesis;
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instruction for the development and function of living things.
All known cellular life and some viruses contain DNA.
The main role of DNA In the cell Is the long-term storage of information.
It is often compared to a blueprint; since it contains the Instructions to construct other components of the cell, such as proteins and RNA molecules.
The DNA segments that carry genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved In regulating the expression of genetic Information.
Task 1:
Using your text book and, if needed, the Internet. Read up on the process of protein synthesis-how protein molecules are made in thing cells.
Your task is to make a pamphlet / set of notes which could be given to Grade 11 pupils to help them understand the process of protein synthesis. Your pamphlet / set of notes should meet the following criteria:
1. It must be computer generated.
2. It must include a suitable diagram illustrating the whole process. The diagram must be used to help explain the processes which occur.
3. It must be a maximum of three pages, including diagrams.
4 All text must be typed an your own words.
5. Each of the following sections and terminology in each must be cowered in your pamphlet:
Transcription (nucleus, mRNA , cotton, DNA triplet RBA polymerase)
- Translation (mRNA, tRNA, anticodon, amino acid, cytoplasm, ribosome, pollypeptide