
Read tide goes after green with new pods case study 2-7

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  1. Paper using third person perspective (do not use "I," "me," "my," "you," or "we," as these are first and second person perspectives).
  2. Read "Tide Goes After Green With New Pods," Case Study 2-7 beginning on page 265 of your textbook.
  3. Additional directions related to this Unit 4 Assignment are included in the Course Documents template. This Assignment gives you the opportunity to assess the impact of opinion leadership and other external influences on consumer purchase decisions and to practice completing an innovation analysis and recommending diffusion enhancement strategies.
  4. Summarize the essence of the case study.
  5. Identify whether Tide Pods is a continuous, dynamically continuous or discontinuous innovation and explain the reasoning for your choice.
  6. Conduct an innovation analysis and diffusion enhancement strategies table similar to the one shown in Table 7-3 on page 246 of your textbook. Use college students as the targeted group of consumers.
  7. Assess the impact of opinion leadership on the consumer purchase behavior for this product.
  8. Within your assessment, include three examples of opinion leaders and explain why they are important external influencers.
  9. Explain why it is important for a marketing manager to understand the influences opinion leaders have as related to consumer purchasing behavior and marketing strategy decisions.

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Business Management: Read tide goes after green with new pods case study 2-7
Reference No:- TGS02404612

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