
Read this document and discuss the ways in which it


The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in its Guidelines for Gender-Fair Use of Language availableat URL:


which encourages English teachers to "influence thought and behavior" of their students to"promote fair treatment of women and girls, men and boys". Some of the problems itidentifies are transparent and easily corrected.

For instance, it notes that the phrase "I'll have my girl do that job." is patently demeaning.

However, other perceived problemsresult from deeper levels of language and from rigid strictures of English grammar asrepresented in the statement: "If a student studies hard, he will succeed."

Read this document and discuss the ways in which it incorporates the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in it streatment of the relationship of language and culture. Can you support the theses of the document's authors or can you formulate a reasonable contrary argument?

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Essay Writing: Read this document and discuss the ways in which it
Reference No:- TGS01516146

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