
Read the works cited section of the guide to using sources

Part 1: Works Cited

- Read the Works Cited section of the Guide to Using Sources and refer back to it as needed.
- Below are three different passages. Create a works cited section using the sources of these three passages.
- Label this section of your paper Part 1.

Format your works cited citations according to MLA guidelines. Part 1 should only include a works cited section. Please do NOT quote the text of the passages here.Remember that a works cited section should be in alphabetical order. Also remember that in this course I require you to include the full URL in your web citations, in angle brackets.

Passage A

From the bookWhy a Painting is Like a Pizza by Nancy G. Heller. Publisher: Princeton University Press. City: Princeton. Year: 2002.

"The early reviews of Pollock's dripped and poured paintings were largely negative, though several influential writers recognized a spark of something important in his work. Yet in 1949-two years after he had begun making his signature works-Pollock was featured in a Life magazine article that asked if he was ‘the greatest living painter in the United States?' This rhetorical-and deliberately inflammatory-question greatly increased the public's curiosity about the artist, whose celebrity status remains undiminished today."

Passage B

Web article from the Purdue OWL website (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/06/
(Links to an externalsite.)):

"If there are more than three authors, you may choose to list only the first author followed by the phrase et al. (Latin for "and others") in place of the subsequent authors' names, or you may list all the authors in the order in which their names appear on the title page. (Note that there is a period after "al" in "et al." Also note that there is never a period after the "et" in "et al.")."

Passage C

From a New York Times online theatre review (https://theater.nytimes.com/2012/04/16/theater/reviews/peter-and-the-starcatcher-with-christian-borle.html?_r=0
(Links to an external site.)

"I suppose you could say that "Peter" is a coming-of-age tale about how Boy comes into his extraordinariness. But it's equally about our willingness, with the help of some highly skilled guides, to accept the extraordinary, to will ourselves into believing that what the actors tell us is happening is really happening."

Part 2: Paraphrasing

- Read the Paraphrasing section of the Guide to Using Sources and refer back to it as needed.
- Read the section carefully, then paraphrase the passage in your own words. Your paraphrase should be 2-3 sentences long.
- Include an in-text citation at the end of your paraphrase.
- Then include a full works cited entry at the end of your paraphrase.
- Label this section of your paper Part 2.

"Because he 'wanted to be inside' his paintings, from 1947 until his death a decade later Pollock typically avoided both easels and stretcher strips. Instead, he unrolled huge lengths of raw canvas (since canvas is simply a kind of cloth, this was like unrolling a bolt of wool or silk) on the floor of his barn-like studio in East Hampton, New York. Then Pollock literally flung paint (and sometimes also dropped bits of plastic, metal springs, or even cigarette butts) onto the canvas as he danced all around it, using brushes, sticks, pierced metal cans, his fingers, or anything else he wanted to add color to the picture. This was hardly a calm, Renaissance-style way of putting a painting together. It also wasn't neat; Pollock inevitably got paint all over his clothes, the floor, and everything else in range.

"The early reviews of Pollock's dripped and poured paintings were largely negative, though several influential writers recognized a spark of something important in his work. Yet in 1949-two years after he had begun making his signature works-Pollock was featured in a Life magazine article that asked if he was ‘the greatest living painter in the United States?' This rhetorical-and deliberately inflammatory-question greatly increased the public's curiosity about the artist, whose celebrity status remains undiminished today."

Part 3: Quoting

- Read the Quoting section of the Guide to Using Sources and refer back to it as needed.
- Opera: The Great Composers and Their Masterworks for information about the composer Richard Wagner. Read the brief biographical entry you find there.
- Select a 1-2 sentence quotation from the biography.
- Copy and paste the paragraph below into your paper. Delete the phrases in all caps and insert the information requested. In place of "insert quote here," insert your own 1-2 sentence quotation about the composer.
- You will be graded on whether or not you have formatted your quotation correctly and whether or not the quotation you have selected makes sense in the context of the paragraph. If you need to add a small amount of text to the stock paragraph below in order for your quotation to make sense, that is acceptable. See the rubric below for full grading guidelines.
- Note that both the titles of encyclopedias and of major musical works should be in italics.

I read a brief biography of COMPOSER'S NAME in NAME OF ENCYCLOPEDIA, and I learned a lot about this composer's life. While reading about COMPOSER'S NAME, I learned that one of his most famous works was NAME OF WORK. The most interesting thing I learned about this composer was INSERT QUOTE HERE. This composer's music continues to enchant listeners long after his death.

- Include an in-text citation at the end of your quotation.
- Then include a full works cited entry at the end of the paragraph.
- Label this section of your paper Part 3.

Part 4: More citing

- Read the Works Cited section of the Guide to Using Sources and refer back to it as needed.

- Go to The New York Times website, and type "theater review" in the search box at the top left of the page. Choose a review from the results of your search.

- Cite this review correctly, according to the template found at the bottom of the Guide to Using Sources for citing reviews accessed online.

- Label this section of your paper Part 4.

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