Coates, Ta-Nehisi. 2013. "What We Mean When We Say ‘Race is a Social Construct'." The Atlantic, May 15, 2013.
Question 1
Read the article by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Briefly, in your own words, explain what Coates mean by the phrase "race is a social construct".
Williams, David R. and Michelle Sternthal. 2010. "Understanding Racial-ethnic Disparities in Health: Sociological Contributions." Journal of Health and Social Behavior, S1(S): S15-S27.
Question 2
Read from the introduction through "Social Structure and Race" (pgs. S15-S20). According to the authors, what is the relationship between SES, race, and health? Explain in your own words.
Question 3
Read the subsection "Racism and Health." Explain how the authors see residential segregation as a "fundamental cause" of racial health disparities.
Question 4
Read the subsection "Migration and Health." Briefly summarize the author's ideas about the relationship between migration and health.
Question 5
Read the subsection "Conclusions and Policy Implications." Think about where you grew up. How did your neighborhood facilitate or hinder healthy behaviors?