
Read the scenario outlined below undertake research to give

Assessment - BUS 707 Applied Business Research

Assessment type. Report. Individual Assessment. 2000 +/- 10% word count

Instructions: Read the scenario outlined below, undertake research to give the background information on this issue, then using this information answer the 9 questions.

Include in your Report: Executive Summary

- Introduction

- Background (research findings)

- Report (answer the questions based on your research

- Conclusion

- Recommendations

(You can combine your conclusion and recommendations or keep them separate)

- The report must be professionally written using:

- Headings and subheadings

-  Ariel 10 point or Times Roman 12 pointplus single spacing

- Harvard (Anglia) style reference

Plagiarism and Referencing: All sources used in your assessment must be suitably referenced. Failure to acknowledge a source is plagiarism and is a serious academic issue.

- The following percentage of plagiarism is acceptable in your report:

- 10% from text or slides ) these must be referenced

- 15% from other sources ) Total 25%

- If your plagiarism figure shown in Turnitin is about 25% you will receive a mark of 0 (Zero) for your assessment.

- The Anglia version of Harvard referencing is required.

Authorship -You must submit your own work. Do not copy other student's work as this is a form of Plagiarism. If it is shown on Turnitin that you have copied another student's work, both students will be given a mark of 0 (Zero).

Due Date: Wednesday August 16: 11.59 pm

Weight: 30%

Assessment Scenario:

Current situation: The Australian dollar has recently risen sharply again the US dollar and looks like continuing to rise.

Research theeconomic, social and business issues of the current strong Australian dollar. Include the trends and movement of the Australian dollar in the past 3 years plus the social and economic impact on Australia.

This background research should identify the research problems by analysing the broader historical, theoretical, economic, business, social and intellectual aspects.

Set your research findings out in detail (charts and graphs can be used)

Answer the following questions based on information you have sourced in your research.

1. Explain the overarching aim of this research study.

2. Give details of 4 groups of people who will be significantly affected. Explain why?

3. Discuss the issues affecting 4 business categories that will be impacted by this movement in the Australian dollar.

4. State the symptoms and likely symptoms for 2 of these business.

5. Write the Decision Statement and Research Objectives for each of these 2 business.

6. Give 3 hypotheses you could consider in your research study for each of these 2 business.

7. Draft 4 research questions for the 2 businesses to be included in your research.

8. Are there any ethical issues to be considered?

9. What research would you recommend be undertaken by these 2 businesses.

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Management Theories: Read the scenario outlined below undertake research to give
Reference No:- TGS02390198

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