
Read the problem description carefully looking for

The Assignment:

Draw the DFDs (Context and level 0) for a distance education university. The enrolment process works as follows:

Students send in an application form containing their personal details, and their desired course

The university checks that the course is available and that the student has necessary academic qualifications.

If the course is available the student is enrolled in the course, and the university confirms the enrolment by sending a confirmation letter to the student.

If the course is unavailable the student is sent a rejection letter.

1. Read the problem description carefully looking for:

people/organizations/things that supply information to or use information from the system => external entities (EE) actions/doing words/verbs => Processes (P)

movement/exchange of information/data between external entities to processes, and processes to processes => data flows (DF) store/record information/data => data stores(DS)

2. It often helps to walk through the system in its logical sequence; eg starting with an     external entity (source), add data flows, processes and data stores as the data provided by the entity is manipulated by the system.

  • student (EE) sends in an application form (DF) containing their personal details, and their desired course
  • The university checks (P) that the course is available.
  • If the course is available the student is enrolled (P) in the course, and the university confirms (P) the enrolment by sending a confirmation letter (DF) that they are registered for the course to the student.
  • Or if the course is unavailable the student is sent a rejection letter (DF).


Ensure that you can analyze existing manual system and can draw   Data Flow Diagrams of any proposed system.

Before Starting:

Detail study of existing system. Rules for drawing DFDS. Differentiate between different levels of DFDS.

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Business Management: Read the problem description carefully looking for
Reference No:- TGS01411565

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