
Read the ldquoweighting systemsrdquo section of chapter 9

Topic : Selecting a Winner

Read the “Weighting Systems” section of chapter 9 in the PMP Exam Study Guide textbook (which references the Weighted Scoring Model depicted in Chapter 2) and respond to the following: It is a common practice for companies to create a proposal evaluation matrix for use in selecting the winning response to an RFP. However, it is also a common practice for companies to try to write the RFP in such a way that it favors a vendor they prefer, or to try to change the weighting after the responses have been received if their preferred vendor did not receive the highest score. How would you handle this if you were the project manager in situations such as these?

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Other Subject: Read the ldquoweighting systemsrdquo section of chapter 9
Reference No:- TGS0646461

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