
Read the hr strategy responding to a union organizing drive

Read the "HR Strategy: Responding to a Union Organizing Drive" in the Budd textbook. Then, in your thread, select 1 of the scenarios and assume that the union wins recognition. As a HR Manager, consider your options, and provide some analysis on how to prepare for negotiations. Integrate the type(s) of information important in your preparation and planning for negotiations. Evaluate and explain the types of bargaining priorities and strategies you would develop. Finally, how would your preparation change if you were a union representative?

Each thread must be at least 300 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge.

Each thread must include 2 citations from scholarly/peer-reviewed sources in addition to the text and relevant scriptural integration, all in current APA format.

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Dissertation: Read the hr strategy responding to a union organizing drive
Reference No:- TGS02216448

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