Please look at page no 105 of 203 in attached document, case analysis-3 i need 1250 words
"Read the following CASE ANALYSIS - Pizza Delivered Quickly (be sure to read the case study highlights/updates in both Chapters 11 and 12.
The questions below pertain to case study updates on pp. 449, 451, and 476)."
Please look at page no 167 of 203 case analysis 4 i need 1250 words
Read the following CASE ANALYSIS -PDQ Pizza Delivery. Be sure to read the case study highlights/updates on page 570. The question below pertains to the case study update on page 623.
Mini Project On same page -1250 words,"Choose one of these mini-projects for your assignment each week. If you choose Option 1 you must continue to work on that option each week.
The same is true for choosing Option 2. The projects are to be discussed based on the learning objectives of topics of study each week.
Use Internet resources as needed, but ensure that researched work is properly cited. The paper should be 5 - 7 pages in length using APA format"
So i need, Casestudy-3-1250 words
case study-4 1250 words
mini project 4-1250 words.
Word Limit : 3750