Read the five "useful rules" to follow on p. 94 in Mayfield's text. Foreach rule, share an example of how you implemented the rule in your life recently OR learned the lesson the hard way.
1. Don’t believe any facts given to you unless sufficient information is provided about their source to allow verification.
2. Don’t totally accept—or take action on the basis of—facts given to you until you verify them for yourself.
3. Don’t accept facts that appear implausible, that contain discrepancies or contradictions.
4. When you have an important decision to make, verify all the facts given to you even if they come from someone you trust.
5. Do the additional research to find out if the information you have is accurate and still current.
Mayfield, Marlys (2013-01-01). Thinking for Yourself (Page 94). Cengage Textbook. Kindle Edition.