
Read the entry voice in the business writers handbook then

Read the entry "Voice" in The Business Writer’s Handbook. Then, for each numbered sentence, find verbs that express action. For example, in the first sentence, the only verb that expresses action is "designed." Then, ask yourself, who or what is the doer or agent of the action? In this case, who does the designing?

When you have determined the doer of the action (in this case "Bill Stanley"), if you think the sentence or section should be revised into the active voice, place the doer of the action in front of the verb and rewrite the sentence (active: "Bill Stanley designed the system.")

As you work through the sentences, keep in mind the following:

• Remember the general guideline: Use the active voice everywhere you can and the passive voice everywhere you must.

• Some sentences may have more than one verb that can be active or passive.

• Some verbs cannot be active or passive—and others cannot be changed to the active voice for all the reasons discussed in the Handbook.

• In an imperative mood sentence (instruction), the doer of the action is understood, even though it is not expressed: "[You] Check the system for problems."

The Sentences

In your separate Word document, revise the following sentences to use the active voice where possible and appropriate. Do not add words or new ideas to the sentences. Assume that these sentences were written by someone else, and you cannot know the writer's intentions—you only have the words that are in the sentences.

1. The system was designed by Bill Stanley.

2. It was felt by the committee that Jim Talbott should represent the department in New York.

3. The principles of effective communication are used many times by managers.

4. Mr. McDonald corrected the problem as soon as it was seen.

5. Systems Design will ensure that all parts are properly tested.

6. Systems Design will ensure that all parts are properly tested by suppliers.

7. Systems Design will ensure that all parts are properly tested by its staff.

8. The Boston office has asked for our full cooperation on the project.

9. We have been asked by the New York office to make sure the project is finished by June 1st of this year.

10. One hundred work hours each week are saved by this method.

11. Mark the areas on the manual that might not be understood by our client.

12. A publication award was presented to Leslie Smith by the STC.

13. The committee has suggested that the report include those facts.

14. Leslie Smith received an award from the STC.

15. It has been reported by several research studies that the new method offers no solution to the problem.

16. The minutes will be sent to you every month by the undersigned.

17. Some sentences are neither active nor passive.

18. It has been decided that the office will be open the day after Thanksgiving.

19. Over 10,000 copies of the manual will be printed.

20. If defendants are found guilty, they can be sued for losses.

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Operation Management: Read the entry voice in the business writers handbook then
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