
Read the casenbspdunkin donuts betting dollars on

Read the case Dunkin' Donuts Betting Dollars on Donuts beginning on page 451 of your text.

Answer the following questions:

  1. How does Porter's Five Forces analysis describe the food industry in which Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks compete? What are the strategic implications for Dunkin' Donuts?
  2. Could Dunkin' Donuts use strategic alliances to even better advantage than it does now? How could cooperative strategies help it succeed further with its master plan for growth?
  3. Until recently, the Starbucks brand was much better known around the world than Dunkin' Donuts. As Dunkin's CEO, what global strategy-globalization, multidomestic, or transnational-would you follow to position Dunkin' as a real challenger to Starbucks in the international markets, and why?
  4. Gather information on industry trends and current developments-domestic and international-affecting Dunkin' Donuts and its competitors. Use this information to build an up-to-date SWOT analysis for Dunkin' Donuts. Based on the implications of this analysis, is Dunkin's top leadership doing the right things when it comes to strategic management, or not?

Answers to these four questions should be well-thought-out and researched. A paper of at least 1,000 words should include two APA-cited references that support your answers to the questions.

Your response is to be a Word attachment using Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Your name, class, and date should be at the top of your submission and will not count toward the 1,000-word requirement.

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Business Management: Read the casenbspdunkin donuts betting dollars on
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