
Read the book-paths beyond ego

‘Paths Beyond Ego’:

Project description:

Read the book ‘Paths Beyond Ego’ than answer the questions below. Please use the words as simple as possible.

Section Reading:

Transpersonal Psychology:

1. Science, technology and transcendence. Can they really co-exist? What does each have to gain and/or lose from each other?

2. We have gained greater understanding and many medical breakthroughs from technology. What, if anything, have we given up?

3. What is the overview effect and the universal insight effect? What are your thoughts about these concepts?

4. According to Wilbur, what are the three eyes to the soul? According to Wilbur, what is the problem of proof.

5. Explain the three basic wings of knowledge.

6. What is meant by the term Polyphasic consciousness?

7. According to Ring, what are commonalities shared by people who have had a near death experience?

8. What are the after effects of NDE

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Reference No:- TGS01435173

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