
Read the article why people behave the way they do review

Read the article "Why People Behave the Way they do" Review the Article and write a 800 word Essay on your understanding of the article. Please include how you will use this information to help you in the future. Talk about how this article affected your life and give details on what you have been through that was the same as the article. APA bibliography is required. At least 4 source citations are needed.

Questions for Reflection

1. What VABEs did my family teach me?

2. What are my core leadership VABEs about how one leads?

3. How, if at all, am I behaving today to fill in holes from my past? What can I do to let go of this behavior?How can I be more observant of the VABEs of others?

4. Am I attentive to when others say "should" or "ought?"

5. How good am I at listening and inferring what others believe?

6. What are the core VABEs of the people closest to me? Can I write them down?

7. What are the core VABEs of the people I supervise? Can I write them down?

8. Which defense mechanisms do I tend to use the most? Are these functional or dysfunctional? Why or why not?

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Marketing Management: Read the article why people behave the way they do review
Reference No:- TGS0991934

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