
Read the article killer behind a badge and watch the video

Read the article "Killer Behind a Badge," and watch the video "Good Cop Bad Cop: Antionette Frank." These two sources are about Antoinette Frank, a Louisiana police officer who in one night killed a fellow officer and two others in a fabricated restaurant robbery. A psychological evaluation deemed her unfit to be a police officer, yet she was hired to serve and protect the citizens of Louisiana. These links are also found in the Supporting Lesson Links for this week.

Killer Behind a Badge

Good Cop Bad Cop: Antoinette Frank

1. After reading the story use the biological, learning, and developmental theories to explain why this ex-cop may have committed such a heinous crime.

2. Review the Law Enforcement Code of Conduct link and compare this officer's actions with the code. Briefly discuss at least three codes of conduct that she violated. This link is also found in the Supporting Lesson Links for this week. Law Enforcement Code of Conduct

3. In terms of ethical decision making, how did leadership fail this officer and the organization?

Your response should be at least 3 pg.

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Dissertation: Read the article killer behind a badge and watch the video
Reference No:- TGS02654670

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