
Read the article- hiring right focusing on suggestions


Hiring a new employee can be a complicated process. First, human resources professionals must gain an understanding of the particular position that needs to be filled. They must be familiar with both the qualifications of the job itself and appreciate the working environment and the type of individual that would work well with those currently in the organization. Based on this information, HR must then recruit individuals and determine their level of qualification through an application and interview process. Due to the Internet, the process of hiring has altered, with online recruitment and applications now being the standard. With the rise in popularity of social media, have you considered the use of Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn as viable tools for use in hiring? What about conducting online searches to garner information about potential employees? These are the types of considerations that HR professionals now face as they seek to fill available positions. For this Discussion, you will analyze a case study that highlights the challenges of determining the depth of information that an organization can ethically acquire through use of online resources.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Read Chapters 11 and 13 in the course text. Identify the key components for successfully recruiting and hiring the best individuals for an organization and the role the HR department plays in the process.

• Review the media Good Samaritan Hospital Organizational Chart-Week 3: Getting What You Need: Recruitment, Interviewing, and Selection Process found in this week's Resources.

• Read the article "Hiring Right," focusing on suggestions for properly managing the hiring process.

• Review the case study, "We Googled You." Consider your own feelings on the appropriate course of action for this situation.

• Reflect on the times you have gone through the recruitment process. Do you feel the process helped you to highlight your qualifications? What were the positive aspects? What frustrated you? How could you use these experiences when you are in the recruiting role?

Post by Day 4 a reflection of the potential role of social media in the business world. Address whether social media should be part of the recruiting process and/or the hiring process. Then answer the question posed at the end of the case study: "Should Fred hire Mimi despite her online history?" You may use the consultants' responses to inform your own, but you must post a unique response supported by the resources for the week or from the Walden library. Finally, if Mimi should be called in for a further interview, recommend 1-2 questions that could legally be asked that would help resolve the issue and determine if she should be offered the position.

Please put it in apa format citation and if you used a page in the book let me know.

The name of the book is Human Resource Management in Healthcare principle and pratice 2ND 14

Edition/Copyright2ND 14PublisherJones & Bartlett PublishersTypePaperbackISBN-101-449bogus6-8883-7ISBN-13978-1bogus-4496-8883-7please put it in apa format citation Thank you. 300 to 350 words

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Microeconomics: Read the article- hiring right focusing on suggestions
Reference No:- TGS01819515

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