
Read the article below keep in mind that the article is not

Question: Read the article below. Keep in mind that the article is not written from a neutral perspective, so you may need to filter out the negative tone of the article in considering whether any ethical theory might be able to justify the decisions the Ford executives initially made.
Dowie, M. (1977). How Ford Put Two Million Firetraps on Wheels. Business & Society Review (00453609), (23).


Based on what you read in the assigned article, give a reasoned response to the following questions: Needs to be 2-3 pages

1) What decision did Ford executives initially make concerning design and recall of the Pinto in the actual case?

2) What decision might Ford Executives have reached by applying egoist ethics?

3) What decision might Ford Executives have reached by applying act utilitarian ethics?

4) What decision might Ford Executives have reached by applying rule utilitarian ethics?

5) What decision might Ford Executives have reached by applying Kantian duty-based ethics?

6) What decision might Ford Executives have reached by applying divine command duty-based ethics?

7) What decision might Ford Executives have reached by applying virtue ethics?

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Business Law and Ethics: Read the article below keep in mind that the article is not
Reference No:- TGS02305449

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