
Read the article and identify psychological concept s that

1. Find are centarticle (2013) describing are a world issue/currenteventin popular press that you can relate to psychological concept, topic, or a theory covered in the course (do not use a report of a study or a summary of studies in psychology). The examples of good choices of sources are (use archives or feel free to locate the hard copies in the library): The Globe & Mail Toronto Star Now Macleans Online Examples of current issues/events (do not use those for your paper): People dating above their looks: the last relationship taboo? Shark-fin ban resurfaces as Toronto council backers seek new, narrower rule Toronto police officer convicted of sexual assault in massage parlour What is likely to lead to your death?

2. Read the article and identify psychological concept (s) that relateto the issue/event. Examples of psychological concepts: obedience, operant conditioning, biological drives, nature-nurture, attachment, stress and coping, etc. Locate a recent (2007-13) empirical research article from a peer- reviewed psychology journal that relates to the same psychological concept and to the issue/current event identified in part one. It is important to select a ‘research article’ describing a study done by the authors (hint: look for the ‘method’ and ‘results’ sections) NOT a review article or a meta-analytical article.

3. Read the research study and think about how the results may relate to the current issue/event

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