
Read the above set readings like you would a novel or any

Assessment item - MYOB practice set and written component.

Assessment task-

This assessment must be completed individually.

This assessment involves 3 steps. Please ensure that you complete all steps prior to submission.

All steps must be submitted as one Word document file. Additionally, you are required to submit a backup copy of your MYOB file.

Step 1: Session Preparation

Step 1 involves you writing down some of your ideas, reflections and reactions to the following set readings: 

1.  Partnership: Chapter 15 of your set textbook, Accounting 9e

2.  MYOB: Pages 312-317 of your set textbook, Accounting 9e and pages 1 - 2 of your MYOB Practice Set, 4 Steps Cafe.

Read the above set readings like you would a novel or any book, actively seeking to engage with the author and to understand what you are reading. What are the authors trying to say? Let the authors take you on a journey: see what you think of some of the key ideas and concepts being discussed.

And while you do this, note down key concepts that occur to you.  That's right; just write them down as you go along. Also, include any questions that occur to you as you are reading. What do you find confusing, difficult to understand or believe, boring, exciting or surprising?  This list will help to guide you in communicating what you believe are the key concepts and questions (KCQs) of the reading material.

Step 2: Complete the MYOB Practice Set

In order to complete Step 2, students must purchase a MYOB Practice Set - "4 Steps Cafe".  The practice set is to be completed using MYOB Accountright Plus v19. This Practice Set and software, must be either purchased or be accessible in order to complete this assignment. The practice set will be available for purchase from the CQ University Bookshop.  Inside the front cover of this Practice Set is you're unique It is each student's responsibility to have access to MYOB Accountright Plus v19 (student edition) - this is also available in computer laboratories at each CQU campus. Do not assume that previous versions (eg. v18) will be compatible. When you start your assignment, it is advisable to work through it entirely on one version.

System requirements

To install MYOB Accounting software on your personal computer you will need access to a computer with these minimum requirements:

  • A currently supported Windows operating system (Note that if you are using a Macintosh, you must install Account Edge as per page 4 of the Practice Set)
  • Pentium Processor at 200 MHz or higher
  • Minimum 200 MB of Hard Disk Space
  • Mouse- highly recommended- many keyboard controls are also able to be used
  • Monitor - 16 bit colour with 800 x 600 resolution
  • Windows compatible printer if you wish to print reports in hard copy rather than view them on screen only
  • Access to the internet for downloading the relevant files required as part of the Practice Set.

Step 3: Feedback

Step 3 involves you providing (and receiving) feedback to at least three other students in our course on their draft assignment 2, and documenting the usefulness and quality of such feedback. You must use a Discussion Forum on Moodle to find (at least) three students to whom you can provide feedback, and receive feedback from (this may be referred to below as your feedback group).

From past experience, students have found it more advantageous to secure three other student's feedback earlier than later. Also, you may like to provide feedback to more than three students (particularly those who request feedback later), which is a great benefiting to you in improving your skills in providing feedback to others. Conversely, you may receive feedback from less than three students. Do not worry - the main benefit of Step 3 is in giving quality and thoughtful feedback to others in our course. The process of thinking about the feedback you give to others in our course will help you greatly with your own assignment as you think about what the assignment requires and how others have addressed these requirements.

Please note that 3 of the marks to be obtained in this section are based on evidence of quality feedback that YOU have provided to others (up to 2 marks may be obtained for your commentary about the usefulness and quality of the feedback that you have RECEIVED from others).

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Applied Statistics: Read the above set readings like you would a novel or any
Reference No:- TGS01571956

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