
Read textbook chapter 12 and the website

Read textbook (chapter 12) and the website https://tinyurl.com/2uvysn to analyze the contribution of the following scientists to the discovery of the DNA molecule and its structure.

Frederick Griffith

Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase

Erwin Chargaff

Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin

James Watson and Francis Crick

Complete the graphic organizer on the back of this paper.

Create a timeline on poster paper.


All scientists' names

Month and Year of Discovery

A summary of their experiment

A summary of what they concluded (discovered) using their experiments, and how this conclusion led to a deeper understanding of DNA.

One fun fact about each scientist (their life, hobbies, personal fact, etc.)

A drawing of the scientist(s)

A drawing representing their experiment

Color, neatness, and effort

Answer the following questions on your own paper. Attach the answers to this paper and hand it into the inbox.

What theory did these scientists provide evidence for?

What instruments was necessary before the DNA could be found?

Which three scientists directly contributed evidence for the discovery of the role of DNA?

How did the earlier scientists and their contributions directly affect the discoveries of later scientists (see #2)? For example, what had to come first?

What is the role of DNA (be specific)?

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Biology: Read textbook chapter 12 and the website
Reference No:- TGS02219325

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