
Read one of the articles and follow the trail of references

Making green infrastructure easy Due 5/22.

Take a current event written about in the media targeted for the general public (Oregonian, New York Times, etc.).

Read one of the articles and follow the trail of references and resources. For your mini-assignment, summarize the original article, record where you went in your research, and what you learned. You should follow and report on at least four links generated by the original story.

Topic: Beer Industry in Portland Oregon

A. Even if cities and others want to invest in green infrastructure it's not that easy. There are obstacles in how governments account for these types of investments, barriers to investing outside of a jurisdiction, etc...

B. Characterize at least three of the major obstacles to investing green infrastructure and three of the major benefits of green infrastructure (~one page).

C. Define at least 5 actions that can be taken to make investing in green infrastructure easier and provide recommendations on how to implement those actions (~2 pages).

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Microeconomics: Read one of the articles and follow the trail of references
Reference No:- TGS0965612

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