Step One: Read Jack Welch's opinion on what makes for a good mission statement:
Welch, J., & Welch, S. (2008). State your business: Too many mission statements are loaded with fatheaded jargon. Play it straight. Business Week, (4066)80.
Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1412280431). Web site: clientId=29440
Step Two: Do some research on websites dedicated to writing mission statements. You may rely solely on the websites in the background materials or supplement them if you find websites that are more useful to you. Identify five criteria that you think are crucial to good mission statements.
I'm in need of some assistance with this assignment.
Step Three: Research websites dedicated to writing vision statements. Identify five criteria you think are critical to good vision statements.
Step Four:
In a 2 to 3 page paper (MLA Format)
List the five criteria you have chosen for mission and vision (5 each). This can be a bulleted list. Justify your choices. Explain why these particular criteria are important. Compare what the two lists have in common and in what ways they differ.