Read Frye's essay, "Oppression", and Tatum's essay, "Defining Racism, 'Can We Talk?'" posted on D2L.
Write an essay (3 full pages) in which you discuss the connections you can make between Marilyn Frye's birdcage metaphor and Beverly Daniels Tatum's analysis of "internalized oppression." In your paper you will be answering the following questions:
What do these two ideas have in common?
- Your essay should follow APA formatting: typed, double spaced, with 1" margins, Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial12 pt. fonts
- The essay should be at least three full pages in length (no more than 5)
- The essay should include the works cited (APA format) on a separate "references" page (see example in Hacker/Sommers handbook).
- The essay should have a clear thesis statement, as well as introductory and concluding paragraphs.
- How does the birdcage illustrate Tatum's idea that members of oppressed groups often "[believe] the distorted messages about one's own group"?
- What specific examples can you come up with that describe the bars of the cage?
- What are the implications for one who is caged and has internalized distorted messages about one's own group?
- How might one's life be affected by this phenomenon?