
Read elbow and belanoffs article sharing and responding-

Read Elbow and Belanoff's article "Sharing and Responding."

The article is quite big, but instead of just reading it front to back, break it according to the following steps:

Step 1. Skim pages 350-366. Decide which one or two of the 11 ways of responding appeals to you most.

Step 2. Pages 367-403 provide more detail on each of the 11 ways of responding. Locate the sections that explain the ways that you chose in step 1 and read these sections. Notice that the examples in each section refer to two specific essays. You can find those full essay samples at the end of the article beginning on page 408. You are also welcome to browse through other sections and compare the different styles of giving feedback.

Step 3. Read pages 404-407 "Final Word: Taking Charge of the Feedback Process.."

Step 4. Post a 250-300 word journal in which you reflect on what you have learned from the article about being a provider and receiver of feedback by 1. commenting on the style you chose and explain why it appeals to you, 2. offering some modifications to that style of responding, and 3. explaining whether you could use this style for self-evaluation of your writing. If you have any questions about how to respond to writing, ask those questions to the forum.

Given below is the link of the Article:


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Dissertation: Read elbow and belanoffs article sharing and responding-
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