Op-Amp Introduction
Read Chapters 1-2 in the text Op Amps for Everyone Fourth Edition
For the configuration below:
With Vin = 4Vrms, f = 1kHz answer the following for each case:
- Calculate voltage gain with RF = 1kohm, RG = 5kohm
- Calculate voltage gain with RF = 1kohm, RG = 1kohm
- Calculate voltage gain with RF = 5kohm, RG = 1kohm
- Calculate voltage gain with RF = 5kohm, RG = 5kohm
- Describe the effect of on voltage gain of keeping RF constant and increasing or decreasing RG
- Describe the effect of on voltage gain of keeping RG constant and increasing or decreasing RF
3. For the configuration below
With Vin = 5Vrms, f = 1kHz answer the following for each case:
- Calcula te voltage gain with RF = 1kohm, RG = 5kohm
- Calculate voltage gain with RF = 1kohm, RG = 1kohm
- Calculate voltage gain with RF = 5kohm, RG = 1kohm
- Calculate voltage gain with RF = 5kohm, RG = 5kohm
- Describe the effect of on voltage gain of keeping RF constant and increasing or decreasing RG
- Describe the effect of on voltage gain of keeping RG constant and increasing or decreasing RF
Wha t does the negative sign in the voltage gain formula indicate?
4. For the configuration below:
With V1 = 5Vrms, V2 = 4Vrms, VN = 2Vrms, R1 = 1kohm, R2 = 2kohm, RN = 3kohm, RF = 5kohm answer the following:
Calculate Vout
5. For the configuration below:
With V1 = 5Vrms, V2 = 4Vrms, R1 = 1kohm, R2 = 2kohm, R3 = 3kohm, R4 = 5kohm answer the following:
Calculate Vout
6. Include all calculations in a Word document with the title: "HW1_StudentID", with your student id substituted in the file name. Show all work for full credit.
7. Upload file "HW1_StudentID"