
Read alters write-up of the case carefully as well as notes

Writing Assignment

POL 305: Public International Law, Spring 2018

1. Read Karen Alter's book, The New Terrain of International Law

2. For the case next to your name, independently of other students:

a. Read Alter's write-up of the case carefully, as well as notes that I may have on the case in my lecture slides.

b. In what sense did the court serve one of the four roles that Alter claims modern international courts serve in the modern period?

c. Explain the roles played by any enabling institutions and any supporters of compliance in your case.

d. Compose your essay in 11-pt font, single-spaced in no more than one single  page, with paragraphs of no more than 5 sentences per paragraph.

Do not rely on any outside briefs of the case or any other outside sources except Shaw's textbook if absolutely necessary.

Alter's book will almost certainly be sufficient. Please write succinctly.

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Dissertation: Read alters write-up of the case carefully as well as notes
Reference No:- TGS02741884

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