
Read alienated labour by karl marx in whartonsnbspworking

Understanding Marx 

  1. Read "Alienated Labour" by Karl Marx (in Wharton's Working in America). 
  2. Select three (3) additional articles from Wharton's Working in America. You may choose any three articles from the book including those that are not required reading. 
  3. In a 500-750 word paper, write a paper regarding Marx's theory and apply it to the three articles selected and your own work experiences. 
  4. Use Marx's "Alienated Labour" to better understand the work discussed in the selected readings. Choose articles carefully. The quality of your paper will be dependent on how well the research discussed in the readings can be related to Marx. 
  5. Marx's theory of alienation may or may not apply to your work experiences. Provide a short narrative of one relevant work experience and illustrate how it either supports or fails to supports Marx's theory. 
  6. The paper should illustrate that you understand, can communicate and are able to accurately apply Marx's theory. 
  7. Use YOUR OWN WORDS to thoroughly explain Marx's theory and the articles selected from Wharton's book. Do NOT USE DIRECT QUOTES. You must be able to demonstrate an ability to understand and distill the material. Quoting the author directly does not demonstrate that you understand the material, only that you can link quotes together. Note that this does not mean that you do not cite. When you put an author's research findings, theories, or ideas into your own words, you must still cite their research. 
  8. Requirements: 500-750 words

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