Read about key elements and applications of goldratts

Your supply chain manager thinks that theories taught in The Goal by Eliayhu Goldratt may have direct applicability to your company and the decisions being made.

Your supply chain manager is probably your most knowledgeable subordinate and is the leading candidate to replace you someday. Because you want to stay a step ahead of him, you decide to study the area, so you go to the library and Internet and begin research.

  • Describe the theory of constraints.
  • Read about key elements and applications of Goldratt's theory of constraints. Post, with explanation, at least 3 elements that you found most important and applicable to the company.
    • For example, a plant where every machine is running at 100% utilization is an inefficient plant.

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Operation Management: Read about key elements and applications of goldratts
Reference No:- TGS01088666

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