
Reaction paper-racism in movies

Topic: Reaction paper, Racism in movies



For your 2nd Reaction Paper, pick a movie/documentary from the list below. In your Reaction Paper, explore the issues of RACISM in relation to at least three of the following concepts listed here. Reflect upon these concepts in the context of your movie/documentary.


a. Prejudice
b. Discrimination
c. Stereotypes
d. Scapegoats
e. Dehumanization
f. Othering (We vs. Them or We against Them)
g. Eurocentrism and ethnocentrism
h. Violence

Before you start writing your RP, think about the following questions. Discuss some of your answers in your RP.

1) Under what circumstances are human beings oppressed, repressed, dehumanized, objectified, offended, humiliated, punished, blamed, discriminated against or murdered in the movie/documentary?

2) Can you identify the obvious (words and actions) as well as subtle traces (any sign, indication or non-verbal evidence) of racism, stereotyping, scapegoating, dehumanization, hate, objectification, prejudice and discrimination in the movie?

3) Can you explain the power relations at work in your case study (i.e. the movie)? More specifically, can you identify who (mis)use or abuse POWER? Who are targeted? Do they react or resist in turn?

You do not have to use any external sources other than the movie (or documentary); but if you want to use external sources, please adhere to the rules of proper citation. In order to avoid plagiarism, you must give credit to the author/owner when you use someone else’s idea, theory, statistics, fact, or art from any source (e.g., journal or newspaper article, book, the internet, etc.). You must provide citations in the text with the source identified in a bibliography or in footnotes including the name of the author/writer/director, the title of the book/article/movie, the year of publication/movie. You must provide proper citation when you use our textbook as well. Direct quotations from any source should be put in quotation marks and cited, that means, you need to provide a citation within the text and a full reference in a bibliography at the end of your paper, including the name of the author, the year of the publication and the number of the page that the quotation is coming from. Paraphrasing, i.e., using someone else’s ideas but explaining them in your own words, without citation is also a form of plagiarism; therefore, proper citation must be provided when you paraphrase someone else`s ideas. If you do not know how to do citations and give references, consult with me. If you use sources without proper citations (it is basically stealing somebody else’s work or ideas), there are serious consequences associated with that including FAILING THE COURSE.
Enjoy it and let me know if you have any questions!

Here are the suggested titles.

1) Hotel Rwanda (Available in parts on Youtube)


2) Rabbit Proof Fence (Available on Youtube)


3) Reel Bad Arabs (Available on Youtube and at AUD library)



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