
React to this statement more serious offenders can be

1. React to this statement: "Inmate subcultures now make it impossible for correction officers and staff to maintain order in our prisons."

1. A. Summarize the way inmate subcultures are depicted in our class materials. React to this statement: "Inmate subcultures now make it impossible for correction officers and staff to maintain order in our prisons."

2. B. Take a stance regarding the statement above. Do you think that our prisons have become more unmanageable?

3. C. Used the attached file to reference. (The Prison Journal)

2. React to this statement: "More serious offenders can be placed on parole if supervision is adequate."

1. Research and summarize intensive supervision parole.

2. A. Take a stance regarding the statement above. Do you think that the such offenders can be placed successfully on parole?

3. B. Use class materials that you feel shed light on some of the issues brought up. Use these materials to support your position. (use attached file, criminal justice and behavior)

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Dissertation: React to this statement more serious offenders can be
Reference No:- TGS01491985

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