
Re-visioned a story of your own design

Assignment task: You have written and re-visioned a story of your own design. For this Learning Journal, you will pick a new genre that you haven't used and re-create your story yet again. This time, however, you will use only a few sentences to tell the entire story. This is an exercise in Micro-Fiction and the ability to analyze a plot structure and boil it down to a logline.

For example, the movie Terminator can be 'boiled down' to one sentence: A man from a dystopian future is sent back in time to stop a killer android from destroying the unborn leader of the resistance.


In response to this week's learning journal, I thought about how I might modify the fiction genre I created. The story calls "The sparkling rock."

Two farmers who shared a close family bond and a passion for discovery lived in a peaceful village with a humid, tropical climate. Jake, a member of the farmers, went out one hot July day in search of the young sheep that had stayed the same for a week. It was afternoon, and the lightning sounded like the blows of a massive impact on the top of the mountains. Jake's heart nearly beats with each thunderstorm as he walks through the pissing rain. "I sense chills as if the thunder passed me. Maybe because the angels saved my life because of this one, to allow me to return home today!" Jake exclaims.

He races to get a baby sheep before it becomes late, yet he continues walking despite his feet being covered in dirt. Jake wipes the rain from his forehead and says, "I wish Miki were here to help me look," The rain goes silent, as though the skies were feeling sorry for Jake. At long take! Jake exhaled a breath of relief. He is standing in front of a hill a short distance from his hometown. However, the road leading up to the mountain has a cave at the start that always gives him goosebumps. It's noon; I doubt anything frightening will come from that cave,"

To complete his search in the inclement weather and proceed down the hill roadway to get a decent angle, Jake reassures himself, as well as what might be in the cave, only bats and nothing else. He keeps pushing forward despite the voice in his head saying, "This is a misunderstanding; go back home as though it were moving his feet beyond his choice". When he notices a mysterious figure within the cave, he unexpectedly stops moving next to it and becomes frozen.

Oh, my Lord. What is this thing that looks towards me and hides deep in the shadow of something like the cave!? Jake asks as his breath stops and nearly reaches the figure he sees. Jake is afraid as if his dreams had happened. He retreated and whispered, "Maybe that was a vision made for me. I do not even believe I'd want to inspect the cave alone." As the hunt goes on, climbing the hill. Jake makes his way home without success, saying, "Someone stole a baby sheep. It can't have just disappeared on its own."

As Jake prefers to cook all day, he takes a moment to catch his energy before finishing the meal. Then, he says rapidly, "I want to look again," and then ", I'll explain to my friend Miki what I saw in that cave." At the same spot he used to join his friend Miki, he brings his sheep and walks to let them graze. If Miki asked, "Jake, my friend, hurry up over here, my friend so that we can rest," Miki responded with a big smile, "I recognized it was you from your voice." You probably wouldn't believe what I saw. Also, do you see anything unusual inside the cave down the hill? Jake said, "I'm on my route to tell you about something terrible that occurred to me," with a confused look, a frightened face, and a blank expression. What exactly was it? Grabbing Jake's hand, Miki retorted in surprise, "Let's look out together." As they eagerly advance toward the cave, the two suddenly stop moving as if a brightness from inside the cave had taken their breath away and started to freeze Jake's feet in a spot.

"I cannot see a source other than the weird brightness," It was impossible to be a farmer hiding from the desert weather, Miki started calmly. Jake began to move toward the cave's tiny entrance, and Miki decided to follow. Jake appeared to be being pulled toward the cave gate as soon as they walked through it. As though he were indeed a doll heading for death, Jake responded, swallowing his saliva and speaking in a frightened voice, "I guess I see the cause of the light. It's coming from that deep entryway, he said". That rock attracted Miki and Jake as they tried to follow him to the end of the impressive hallway. Without glancing at a companion, Jake asked, "What is this sparkling rock?"

"It's similar to a chunk of the moon!" Jake feels helpless and aware in his brain as he watches his hand slowly approach the rock; the nearest he goes to the rock, the stronger the odd force controls him. Jake experiences what feels like a bolt of lightning brightening up his eyes as his hand reaches out to grasp the cold, hard texture of the rock. While he is flying in the sky in fear, yelling, "Where's my hand? Why can't I move my body?" and saying, "I'm here, Miki, he notices and hears Miki but cannot listen to himself". However, he doesn't hear his buddy crying as he watches him leave the cave. Instead, Jake became aware that his body had suddenly disappeared and was now floating as a sole.

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