
Re-organization and layoff solutions


Answer the following questions:

• Explain what business decision an organization should make based on the solution.

• For the business decision chosen, explain the resources an organization would need to implement that decision and factors that might affect the implementation.

Re-Organization and Layoff Solutions

Team D will present the following alternatives for GE Transportation. The first is the relocation of GE Transportation employees and the second is the use of more marketing tools. The relocation of workers is built on saving jobs, holdingexisting, and good labor. Consolidating the workforce and projects is something that the organization wantsto do to keep their business going. We will also explore how the relocation can be used as a marketing tool. GE Transportation has the chance to show an excellent business decision in offering their employees a relocation opportunity to their save jobs. Last is showing that the organization keepsmore jobs in the United States.

Present two potential creative solutions for the problem and explain why each solution will work.
As a group, we came up with two potential creative solutions for the problem that the employees faced at GE. The first possible creative solution would be transporting or pointing employees in a direction to get another job. Moving employees to different companies will save jobs, allow people to hold existing jobs, and make it easier for the employee to have a fair shot of employment. This would be a win-win situation for the company along with employees because the company can transfer instead of bringing in new employees and having to spend money to train the new employees. Also, the employees get a fair shot at another job instead of no job. The second solution we thought would benefit the employees is giving them the benefit of the doubt and let them know the issue and allow a certain amount of time to improve company numbers, or they will be laid off. This would be extremely fair and beneficial to employees because they can work harder and push to make more money for the company. Marketing is what the company needs to continue to make money and allowing people to show improvements and work harder towards what would allow them to keep their jobs. Not only is this a good idea because it allows the direct employees to keep their jobs but it shows that the organization can keep more jobs in the United States.

A summary of methods your team utilized to develop the creative solution

As a team, we came up with a solution as to what would be best for the employees. The first solution would be transporting or pointing employees in a direction to get another job. Help all the employees who will be losing their jobs. Get all the loyal employees that the company has had for years and help them find a new job. It's something that company can do for its employees one last time before they are gone. The second solution the group came up with is giving the employees the benefit of the doubt and let them know the issue and allow a certain amount of time to improve company numbers, or they will be laid off. We decided on this solution because maybe there can still be a chance to save all the employees jobs and let them all know what is going on with the company. Gather all the employees into a meeting and explaining to their employees why the company is hurting and is losing money. Let all the employees know that there is a timeline and if they do not make a certain amount during that period, they will be losing their jobs. This solution helps the employees know what the problems are happening and helps give them a better understanding of what is going on.
Present how your team overcame barriers to deciding on the solutions.

There are over twenty different locations that employees and or projects can go. There can be an effort by the company to consolidate projects to fewer places. This is something that can be costly to the enterprise because of the needs of relocating professionals in those fields. There is also the cost of retraining particular individuals into those areas of the profession. Also is the cost of the time lost due to the maneuvering of projects and lost time due to newly retrained employees not being as efficient, at first, as the veterans that worked in those areas. A barrier for giving the employees a time frame is that in the back of the minds of all these employees is that will this benefit the company. If the employees do make that goal during that time frame will it help the company last in the long run? Yes, it will, just because it gives the employees hope that the company can make it out of these troubles. You want your employees to come in each day wanting to work hard. If GE employees work hard for the organization, then the company will work hard to keep their employees.

As a team, we thought that relocation would allow people to save jobs and keep existing jobs Improving marketing in the company would allow people to have a fair chance to make the company more money and bring in money to save the positions. With marketing in place, it shows GE and other companies it is possible to keep jobs in the United States. As a group, we each gave our input on these ideas and put them together to choose the best two solutions to help the company and employees. If these issues were thought a little more in depth, the company and employees would not be at such a loss.


Martin, J. (2013, November). Layoff plan moves forward at GE Transportation. McClatchy-Tribune Business News, (), .Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/docview/1448076588/fulltext?accountid=458

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Business Management: Re-organization and layoff solutions
Reference No:- TGS01842467

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