
Rationales for the best paraphrases


Rationales for the best paraphrases

Read the source passage and then choose which of the three paraphrases is the best. Explain what is wrong with the other two.

Violence is often seen as primitive or immature. And yet, the reality is that even in this era of gun-toting 12-year-olds, murderous violence is distressingly mature: Overwhelmingly, it is adult behavior. It is also easily triggered. When Marvin Wolfgang conducted extensive interviews with convicted killers in Philadelphia, he was able to identify 12 categories of motive. Far and away the largest, accounting for fully 37 percent of all murders, was what he designated "altercation of relatively trivial origin; insult, curse, jostling, etc." In such cases, people got into an argument at a bar over a sporting event, who paid for a drink, an off-hand remark, or a hastily uttered insult.

To die over something so inconsequential as a casual comment or a dispute about some distant event seems the height of ironyand caprice. But in a sense, disputes of that sort are not trivial, for they reflect the evolutionary past, when personal altercations were the stuff upon which prestige and social success -- leading ultimately to biological success -- were based. It is not surprising, therefore, that young men today will fight and die over who said what to whom, whose prestige has been challenged, and so forth.
David Barash, from "Evolution, Males, and Violence,"

The Chronicle of Higher Education

1. These days, young kids are quite capable of killing someone because of an unimportant mater, just as grownups do. It's very easy for someone to die simply because he said the wrong thing. Still, it's part of human nature to make a big deal out of a small remark, and it' always has been that way since the beginning of the human race. Men fight because their egos depend on looking good among their peers. It's a question of image.

2. When a preteen commits murder, he is acting just like a grownup. When they are violent, adults are behaving immaturely. According to a survey, most murders tale place for silly, unimportant reasons. Like children, the murderers become offended by the wrong word said at the wrong time. To die for nothing is really tragic. Even though men have always been ready to pick a fight to impress their rivals and attract women, it's wrong for them to risk lives for no good reason.

3. The young have no monopoly on violent behavior. Grown men are as likely as preteens to shoot off a gun for insufficient reasons. A survey found that, among the 12 reasons for committing murder, the most common was a fight over some unintended offense - a word or a gesture that provoked an argument or a fight, out of all proportion to the cause. Dying for no good reason might seem random and senseless. But such readiness to act and to kill was the way primitive man established his ascendancy over other man and ultimately survived. It's built into the genes of today's young men, who still fight to prove they're macho.

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English: Rationales for the best paraphrases
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