Rational and Irrational Behaviors in Psychology
1. Consider the fact that at one point in US history the decision to own slaves was considered rational and informed. Today we would consider the decision to own slaves "irrational". For this project:
2. Identify one other example of a decision (past or present) that was once considered "rational" but that is now reviewed as "irrational". Do not analyze a personal decision but one from a published or academic source.
3. Explain, in detail, why the decision was once considered "rational" but would now be considered "irrational".
4. Identify the decision theory you believe was used in the original decision making within your example. You may select from expected utility theory, prospect theory, regret theory, pseudocertainty, satisficing, or noncompensatory strategies. Be sure to fully support "why" the theory you selected was present. Simply naming a theory won't be enough.