
Ratification means that the union and management now have a

1) A job description outlines the minimum qualifications a person must have to perform the job successfully.( )

2) The productive potential of employee experience, knowledge, and actions is known as human resources.( )

3) Negotiations between management and employees regarding disputes over compensation, benefits, working conditions, and job security is called collective bargaining. ( )

4) No employees are exempt from overtime pay rules established by the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act.( )

5) Unstructured interviews are susceptible to legal challenges from job candidates.( )

6) An employment test that is considered valid measures what it claims to measure and is free of any bias.( )

7) Shadowing is when a manager watches a recent employee to ensure he or she is performing effectively in the new job.( )

8) In a 360-degree assessment, employees are appraised by their managers, coworkers, subordinates, and customers.( )

9) Rank-and-yank performance evaluations are grounded in a performance bell curve.( )

10) The primary goal of conducting performance appraisals is to determine compensation adjustments for the next year.( )

11) Nonwage and nonsalary forms of compensation paid to employees by an organization are called incentives.( )

12) Transferring an employee is a lateral move that provides a different job with similar responsibility.( )

13) In at-will employment, complete discretion over a worker's status resides with the employer.( )

14) Labor unions are organizations of employers formed to protect and advance their members' interests by bargaining with employees over job-related issues.( )

15) There are more union workers in the public sector than in the private sector.( )

16) Ratification means that the union and management now have a negotiated labor-management contract that both sides have signed.( )

17) Elizabeth does not live in a right-to-work state. She chose not to join the union at the school where she works. She thinks she should not have to pay dues to a union she does not belong to; however, because of negotiations that happened between the union and the school board, Elizabeth received a pay raise. Therefore, according to the union security clause, Elizabeth must pay dues to the union. ( )

18) Jethro works in Texas, a right-to-work state. He took a new job at a unionized factory and was told he had to join the union within two months. Jethro refused. He said he cannot be forced to join a union in a right-to-work state. Jethro is correct.( )

19) The trade-off of a two-tier wage contract is saving jobs at the expense of higher pay.( )

20) Benefits and supplemental pay accounted for 50 percent of compensation costs for civilian workers as of June 2011.( )

21) In 1997, union leaders at American Airlines ordered a walkout that would have stranded 40,000 passengers. Union pilots were in a dispute over the company allowing nonunion pilots to take over some flights. Then-president Bill Clinton's action of sending the pilots back to work for a 60-day cooling-off period was illegal.

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