
Rather than relying on the efficiency of a single portfolio

Which of the following statements is false?

A) Rather than relying on the efficiency of a single portfolio (such as the market), multifactor models rely on the weaker condition that an efficient portfolio can be constructed from a collection of well-diversified portfolios or factors.

B) A positive alpha in a single factor model means that the portfolios that implement the trading strategy capture risk that is not captured by the market portfolio.

C) Multifactor models have a distinct advantage over single-factor models in that it is much easier to identify a collection of portfolios that captures systematic risk than just a single portfolio.

D) Trading strategies based on market capitalization, book-to-market ratios, and momentum have been developed that appear to have zero alphas.

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Financial Management: Rather than relying on the efficiency of a single portfolio
Reference No:- TGS01394473

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