
Rank your selected service provider from 1-10 on each of

Portfolio 6: Lesson 16 Assignments

Deliverables: 1. Whom would you ask to be on your advisory board and why?

2. How would this person help you succeed in the market?

3. How would you convince this person to join your board if your board has little or no funds?

4. How would you compensate board members?

Lesson 17 Assignments

Instructions: Rate one of the following services on all 10 dimensions of service quality using a 1-10 point scale where 1 is poor and 10 is exceptional.

• local cable TV provider

• local post office

• your cell phone provider

• local bank or credit union


1. Rank your selected service provider from 1-10 on each of the 10 dimensions of service quality.

2. What dimensions of service were high and why?

3. What dimensions of service quality were low and why?

4. What three things could this service provider do better to increase their level of service quality to consumers?

Lesson 18 Assignments

Deliverables: 1. Describe the effectiveness of the two product demonstrations.

2. Which demonstration did you find more persuasive and compelling?

3. What could each firm do better to make their demonstration more compelling and lead to increased sales?

4. Lights, camera, action! Draw upon everything you have learned in this course, choose a product or service that you love, and use your video camera or smartphone to film a demonstration that is 30 seconds to 3 minutes in length. Remember, this is not just a commercial; it must be a product demonstration that rocks! Upload your video, which will be graded as part of your assignment.


i. Do not do anything that is dangerous to yourself or others.

ii. Do not break the law.

iii. Do not harm or endanger animals or children.

iv. Do not do anything that you would not want your mother or grandmother to see.

b. More examples

Bad Breath Test - How to Tell When Your Breath Stinks (By Orabrush)

Will It Blend? - Justin Bieber (By Blendtec)

Water Jet Pack: Get High with Jetlev! (By devinsupertramp)

Iris Impressions demonstration (By sugi1sugi1)

Official Tesla battery swap demo - HD (By justin timberlake)

You will submit this assignment after this lesson as part of portfolio 6.

Please Note: You will not submit/upload your video file to the course. You will need to upload your video to Google Drive and submit the link. "Please see the Video Submission Instructions" for directions on submitting your video.

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Dissertation: Rank your selected service provider from 1-10 on each of
Reference No:- TGS02765987

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